Bigad Agency Partners

Kyle brings a strong promotional and marketing background to BIGAD, and his graphic design talents are the perfect complement to David's talents. In addition to his superior layout skills, his logo creations are memorable, quick to establish clients identity, and create high visibility. An early stint as creative director for Chicago agency Spevicek and Associates coincided with writing and performing Chicago Gangster Mysteries, a whodunit dinner party business he started. Prior to moving to Chicago to pursue his advertising career, Kyle helped build and manage a large entertainment venue in southern Wisconsin named The Trax Complex, where he served on the Board of Directors. He is a founding member of Midwest Volleyball Professionals and an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin, where he played goaltender for the national champion Badgers hockey team. When he is not sitting in front of his gonzo size flat panel Mac screen, he is head coach of the De Paul Blue Demons hockey team. Kyle hails from Janesville, Wisconsin.

David is a consummate visual artist with a host of skills in his toolbox. Early on in his career he could be found on a film set, making magic for the camera for clients like McDonald’s and Reese’s. Developing quick solutions to challenging technical problems is what separates David from the pack. In 1988, David built his first photography darkroom. Home training himself through Ansel Adams' books "Negative" and "Print", the strict practices and techniques of the zone system master gave him a solid traditional best practices methodology for optimizing black and white prints. Soon, he began exploring special effect photo illustration techniques using multiple images composited together with pin registrantio, kodalith masks and in-camera masks. In 1992, he built his second darkroom which included full color imaging and duplication capability.
From 1985 through 1998, David worked in both the film and photography industries. Freelancing for top agency production companies as a special effects director, David incorporated many film techniques into his still photography style. In 1998, he signed on with Campaign Communications, a multimedia ad agency and printer. He launched their digital photography division and in so doing honed his digital imaging skills in fast paced environment. While there, he met his future BIGAD partner and co-designer, Kyle Gronert. Today, he is equally at home framing subjects from behind the lens or tweaking images in front of the monitor. After finishing a big project, David has been known to unwind with a long bike ride. He has helped raise funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society on charity bike rides like the MS 150 “Ride to The Rock”. David is a twenty-plus year industry veteran who majored in music at the University of Michigan and is a native of Chicago, Illinois. Since 2001, he has been focused on web development in the areas of xhtml, css, javascript, xml, ajax, MySql, PHP, and Flash. In 2006, David returned to school to pursue a degree in web design and multimedia. Currently, he strives to promote Web 2.0 standards and practices in all his web designs in order to make the internet the uplifting and egalitarian open source community of ideas it was meant to be.
David has many skillsets. He is an accomplished:
- guitarist/composer in the styles of classical, blues, and rock
- wood worker and mechanical rigger
- photographer
- film DP/director
- digital artist
- graphic designer
- web developer
- animator
- distance bicycle rider